Our Why
Tri-Stars was founded in 2019 by Nicole Moore. Her daughter Reagan was a competitive gymnast and was reaching the age of school sports and driving an hour plus for gymnastics wasn't feasible. Being a gymnast herself she new Randolph Co. needed a gymnastics facility for the kids. She thought, "Let's build it!" and Tri-Stars Gymnastics has been gym home to hundreds of kids and growing.
Nicole believes the future of our kids starts with believing in them.
That is "why" Tri-Stars.

Tri stars started with a little under 2,000 sq. ft and quickly grew to over 9,000 sq ft gymnastics facility with a competitive gym fully equipped with world class equipment and a dedicated rec gym with all of equipment your little one needs to grow in a safe environment!
We are committed to offering the best in gymnastics training in the area.

Our staff is committed to making sure your kids have the best experience possible at our gym.